True sustainability is only possible with connection to our land, our soil, the earth
by living at nature's pace
not racing with days and the nights
honouring nature and it's rhythms
how can you expect a person to have that connection and reverence when they've have been distanced and separated from the true essence of life
from the land, from the soil, from the magic of nature
How can there be that depth of gratitude for a piece of fabric
when you have never seen cotton grow
when you have never watched it going from a seed to the cloudy fluff
when you don't know how many days, water, hands and care it took for it get there
when you have never been part of the harvesting, the sorting, the cleaning, the making of every thread by hand
never seen a charkha spin
never listened to the songs sung while spinning
the connection of a woman to her charkha
when you have never felt that connection to the thread
when you have never seen those threads being woven and taking a new form
the becoming of a fabric
when you are connected to the land and the hands that brought it all to life
then it will different, how you touch it, treat it, cut it, sew it
when you see the elements, the lives interwoven into a piece of cloth
it becomes sacred
It will be like worship
like devotion
it will be alive
it will be art
an offering of gratitude to all that is
it becomes sacred
true sustainability comes from connection and an open heart